
Welcome to another Blue Mondays Musings post.  To see what others are musing about, check out A Daily Rhythm.

Jen offers some intriguing topics to consider:

  • I’m currently reading…
  • Up next I think I’ll read…
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
  • I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I can’t wait to get a copy of… (this one!)
  • I wish I could read ___, but…
  • I blogged about ____ this past week…

THIS WEEK’S RANDOM QUESTION: Who, in your life, are you best able to share your love of reading with?


 Like an appealing menu in a restaurant, these choices do offer so much to consider.  As for what I am eagerly anticipating, I guess I might reflect on some of the e-galleys I have requested from NetGalley, something still new enough to me that I am excited whenever I get one of their e-mails.

The Secrets She Keeps, by Deb Caletti, is one that will be released in July.  I have only read one book by this author (Stay), but I loved it!  So I am eager to see what this one is all about.





“You don’t grow up on a divorce ranch and not learn to take a vow seriously.”

When Callie McBride finds a woman’s phone number written on a scrap of paper her husband has thrown away, she thinks that her marriage is over. Callie flees to Nevada and her Aunt Nash’s Tamarosa Ranch, where she’s shocked to see that the place of so many happy childhood memories is in disrepair. Worse, Aunt Nash is acting bizarrely—hoarding stacks of old photographs, burying a book in the yard, and railing against Kit Covey, a handsome government park ranger who piques Callie’s interest.

But Aunt Nash may prove to be saner than she seems once Callie pulls back the curtain on Tamarosa’s heyday—the 1940s and ’50s, when high-society and Hollywood women ventured to the ranch for quickie divorces and found a unique sisterhood—and uncovers a secret promise Nash made to her true love. Callie will come to see is that no life is ever ordinary. No story of love is, either.


I have also requested The Rumor, by Elin Hilderbrand, to be released in June:





Nantucket writer Madeline King couldn’t have picked a worse time to have writer’s block. Her deadline is looming, her bills are piling up, and inspiration is in short supply. Madeline’s best friend Grace, is hard at work transforming her garden into the envy of the island with the help of a ruggedly handsome landscape architect. Before she realizes it, Grace is on the verge of a decision that will irrevocably change her life. Could Grace’s crisis be Madeline’s salvation? As the gossip escalates, and the summer’s explosive events come to a head, Grace and Madeline try desperately to set the record straight–but the truth might be even worse than rumor has it.

I am always up for a visit on Nantucket, even though it is only in books that I read!


As for the random question:  It has been too long since I have had anyone in my REAL life that I can share my book love with…I have one old friend I meet for lunch and at Barnes & Noble for coffee and browsing now and then.  And I guess it’s okay that we seldom like the same books…we do LOVE books, so that’s something, isn’t it?





But the blogging world truly feeds my bookish soul.  So I hope it is always here for us, like a friend that never gets tired of chatting.


What about the rest of you?  What is happening in your bookish world? 





    1. I have set up some guidelines for myself: I can only request books that I would have purchased….that way, there is a tiny bit of control. Of course, I can see myself rationalizing all kinds of books…LOL. Thanks for stopping by, Jo.


  1. I have to admit to loving NetGalley–I’ve been introduced to so many new-to-me authors. I’m always so afraid of running out of something to read that I sometimes over do it. My daughters are my best outlets for sharing books in person, and we do agree about a lot of books, though certainly not all.


  2. Netgalley is my weakness I ended up requesting too many books so right now I’m catching up on the ones I have currently. I will have to check out the ones you’ve mentioned they sound really interesting.

    I usually discuss books with my youngest sister, we tend to have similar tastes so I usually recommend books to her.

    Musing Mondays


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