
Have you ever had a song playing in your head until you can’t stop hearing it?  The one I’ve been thinking about, and which I wrote a post about a couple of years ago, is a kind of nursery rhyme about the days of the week.

I’ve been thinking about it lately because of the Monday theme here on this blog, and how we sometimes think of Mondays as “blue days,” perhaps because that day signals the end of a lovely weekend.

But on this blog, we have an antidote to the blues, even if we dread the end of the weekend.  Because…books chase away the blues.

Here’s the ditty:

Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace;
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go;
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for its living;
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.


My first child, the son who visited from Berlin a year ago, was born on a Thursday; my second came on a Saturday.  My third son almost made his appearance on a Monday, but managed to stall and showed himself early on a Tuesday morning. 

Then there was my daughter, whose labor began on a Wednesday.  After 36 hours, followed by a C-Section, she came on a Friday.  And despite the temporary negative effects of that labor, she is definitely “loving and giving.”

Even the fact that she came on Friday the 13th did not diminish the joy.  First and only girl, and what a gift she was…and is.

Yes, we have the Mother/Daughter issues…but I love getting her little texts when least expected…and she styles and colors my hair every month.  What more could I want?

Each child has brought something special to my life…and the day on which each one was born is probably not predictive of anything…but I see something in the descriptions of their birth days.  Here are all four of them captured one fall day in 1991…at a rare event that assembled all of them together in one place.




BTW…I was born on a Sunday…And here is a doll I bought a while ago to “honor” that day of the week ( I am noticing in this close-up that she has “messy hair.”)  Like me, I guess: