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Welcome to Bookish Saturday, along with our regular feature, Saturday Snapshot, our opportunity to showcase photos we or friends and family have captured.  The Snapshot event is now hosted by West Metro Mommy.

As you know, I have been purging crazily for a few weeks.  But I still have lots of books remaining, and what I do enjoy most is creating bookish vignettes, with books and some of my favorite collectibles.

Here are some on my Baker’s Rack.  On the second shelf down, notice my own creations.



newest dining room



In my living room, I have an old ice cream table loaded up with books and collections…and family photos.



bookish vignettes


On my nightstand is a small stack of old favorites that I hope to reread someday….



bookish vignettes - on my nightstand


Another bedroom shelf holds quirky collections, such as some Red Hat Society decor….and lots of family photos.


bookish vignettes - bedroom


Who am I kidding about rereading those old favorites?  I still have plenty of new books waiting for me, even though I have dwindled those stacks down considerably.

Tomorrow, I hope to pick up Barbara Delinsky’s Blueprints, an ARC that I will be reading next.





And soon I will tackle some of the e-ARCs I received from NetGalley this week, a new adventure for me with the upgrade to Pippa, my Paperwhite.






What bookish things are you celebrating this week?



    1. Oh, yes, Ginny, you can’t really see that whole table in this photo, but it has cute deer footed legs, and you can pull chairs up around it. I used it that way (years ago), but now it is mostly a place to hold things. Thanks for stopping by.


    1. Thanks, Sean, I was obsessed with finding just the right Baker’s Rack when I moved in here eight years ago, and finally found this one in a shop that was going out of business. Glad you could stop by.


  1. jmcguin7

    As a bookie junkie I have done a very good job at decluttering them I try not to spend too much on books as I use the library application on my e-reader.


  2. Before vacation I purged my bookshelves and have a large stack in my closet destined for the Goodwill store. Since I go on their sale days when paperbacks can be as low as .25, I tend to impulsively grab ones I will probably never read. After I tidied the bookcase and made room for some of the books my son keeps at home here, I realized I will never be having my own “library room” in the near future, so who am I kidding with all these? Perhaps a giveaway next month…

    By the way, I love the way you decorate…and the jumbo San Francisco mug you are sporting in your new profile pic 🙂


    1. Maybe you don’t have enough shelves….that was my situation for a while…then I filled them up, and had to start purging…LOL. The bookish things that are a constant quandary! Thanks for stopping by, Judy.


    1. Oh, I know, Patty…sigh. But there is so much less than there once was.

      My daughter is supposed to take her things out of my garage…and then I can move more things to bins.

      But then what? LOL


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