Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

Great, sunshiny days came along this week, and so far it isn’t hot, either.  This perfect balance won’t last that long.  In the meantime, I am luxuriating in this little spring bubble.

My reading took a spike upwards this week, with FOUR books read and reviewed.  My blogging fell off, however, with only FIVE posts.  I guess when one thing goes up, the other goes down.  My total Read the Books You Buy Count so far:  32.

I spent some time watching Netflix(13 Reasons Why) and Amazon Prime(Bridget Jones’s Baby & La La Land); enjoyed some movies on my DVR; and played around with my blog headers (and then changed them again!).  I suffer from Restless/Compulsive Blog Designing/Changing Syndrome.

I did get a mani/pedi this week, to honor spring and sandals.

I was on Facebook earlier this week, and they had posted some “memories” to share.  I found this one from a few years back…the neighborhood library had featured one of my novels (click to my Amazon page).


My patio is buried under mounds of leaves that the gardeners regularly propel in with their leaf blowers…what is the sense of that?  I used to sweep them out regularly, but it was hopeless when the rains were turning them into a soggy mess.  But now that it’s spring, I need to prepare the patio for relaxing days ahead.

While I ponder that, I’ll have another cup of coffee…and talk about my week.




Sunday Potpourri:  Reading, TV Shows, & Movies….

Tuesday Potpourri: “The Widow of Wall Street”

Hump Day Reading:  Immersed in Books….

Coffee & Thoughts….

Bookish Friday:  “Woman No. 17”

Review:  The Widow’s House (e-book), by Carol GoodmanReview:  The Secrets You Keep (e-book), by Kate WhiteReview:  The Arrangement (e-book), by Sarah DunnReview:  Woman No. 17, by Edan Lepucki – (Amazon Vine Review)


INCOMING BOOKS: (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

One Amazon Vine Review book came in my physical mailbox, and a NetGalley Review came to my Kindle.  Additionally, I purchased two more downloads…because I couldn’t resist!

What’s Become of Her, by Deb Caletti (Vine).





He Said/She Said (e-book), by Erin Kelly – (NetGalley – 6-6-17)




Downloaded Purchases:

Any Day Now (e-book), by Robyn Carr




Fallout (e-book, VI Warshawski), by Sara Paretsky





Currently Reading:  The Housekeeper (e-book), by Suellen Dainty



And then….

The Roanoke Girls (e-book), by Amy Engel




Wait for the Rain (e-book), by Maria Murnane




That was my week.  What did yours look like?  Today I feel like going to Barnes & Noble (below) to browse for books…and have some of their coffee.  I have some coupons!




  1. We are having a cool front come in (60s, 70s) and it actually feels nice. A mite chilly, but refreshing. It definitely won’t last long. I also started watching 13 Reasons Why just this morning. I’ve only watched the first two episodes. All of my students are watching it, and my (work) partner did as well. I’m getting a little restless with my blog, too. It has been maybe 2 years since the last change. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like lovely weather!! We are a bit chilly and rainy here. Looks like we have to wait until later next week for some warmer temps. I watched 13 Reasons Why a bit back and enjoyed it. I also like LaLa Land when I saw it. I really enjoyed Roanoke Girls – Hope you do too. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Grace, and I’m on the 5th episode of 13 Reasons Why. I can’t seem to manage more than one episode at a time.

      I was disappointed in LaLa Land…although I should have been prepared for it. I’m not a big fan of music being the primary means of communicating…lol.


  3. Greg Hill

    I know what you mean about that perfect balance. I love that fleeting time when the temps are just right, the sun is out but you don’t melt into a puddle after 10 mins lol. But it’s not cold either. I think that’s where we’re at, we’re supposed to have 60’s and 70’s and I’ll take it!

    I enjoyed 13 Reasons Why and especially reading people’s reactions around the blogosphere, which is VERY interesting. And yay for the Facebook memories- how cool you were featured!

    I love Barnes & Noble and could hang out there all day long!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I ended up not going to B & N today…I did some errands, had lunch, and then just wanted to get home and read some more there.

      I should have gone to the coffee shop, though…sigh.

      Thanks for stopping by, Greg, and I’m all for temperatures in the 60s and 70s. Ours have been in the 70s for days…with more of the same predicted.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Cleo, and I’m loving The Housekeeper. I also picked up The Princess Diarist and started reading it…even though it’s not on this week’s list. But it is on my coffee table, and I see it every day. I don’t often read more than one book at a time, but a combo of fiction/nonfiction works for me.

      Enjoy your week!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Literary Feline

    We broke down and turned on the air conditioner today. Yesterday it was 92 and today 94. Too warm for us, I’m afraid. It seems too early in the year to be this hot already. But I probably always say that.

    You’ve put me in the mind to clean off my patio. It’d be nice to spend some evenings out there now that the weather is nice. Tomorrow we will likely be planting my daughter’s new plants. She’s really excited about adding them to our rather sparse garden.

    Did you make it to Barnes and Noble? I am wondering if I can talk my husband into going to our local independent store with me tomorrow for St. Jordi’s day. It’s when we’re supposed to exchange a rose and book with a loved one–I just want the book. LOL I guess they’ll have actors putting on scenes from Shakespeare’s plays throughout the day.

    Have a great week, Laurel-Rain!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Wendy, and I didn’t make it to Barnes & Noble! Maybe today? I looked at my patio, found my gardening gloves, and that’s all I’ve done so far. I am such a procrastinator when it comes to outdoor tasks, mostly because I have allergies and my little morning pill doesn’t quite do it. I need one of those face masks! Hey, if I wait until I get one, I can put it off another day, and can go to the bookstore instead. LOL.

      It is getting warmer each day, although it isn’t supposed to be in the 90s yet. It usually starts getting hot in late April or May, though.

      Enjoy your week!


  5. Wow, you read a lot 🙂 I actually haven’t finished anything this week, I was just too busy. But I finally wrote my Radium Girls review which I was extremely happy about! So there’s that 🙂
    And it’s seems you’ve had a lot of great incoming books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t read a Sara Paretsky in ages, but I love the feisty V. I. Warshawski, so I can’t wait!

      I know that the reason I put off the outdoor tasks has to do with my allergies, and I decided I must get one of those face masks. Then I might get it done sooner.

      Enjoy your week, Sarah, and thanks for visiting.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I did some patio cleaning earlier but not much – the weather is too nice to work in the garden so instead I’m just sitting in it 😀. I think I am like you in the more I read, the less I blog because there are only so many hours in any day. Here’s to a good week and hoping you enjoy ?Erin Kelly as much as I did.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I am so excited about getting He Said/She Said, and based on your review, I know it will be riveting, which I love. Burying myself in a book is the best way to spend the day.

      Patio cleaning, not so much. I did find my gardening gloves, and now I just need a face mask for my allergies. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before…instead, I’m usually suffering after a day out there stirring up the dust and leaves. LOL.

      Thanks for visiting, Emma, and have a great week.


      1. I do hope you enjoy. My husband has terrible allergies so I do most of the garden work but I never thought of a mask. I might suggest it…share the work! Have a good week.

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  7. laurabettag

    Your posts are always so full of GREAT looking books!! Roanoke Girls really caught my eye! I can’t wait for summer when I can actually READ again once school is done!!!
    And you blog design now is simple wonderful!!

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  8. All those books look really good, especially the Robyn Carr. That happens to me – my reading will go up and my blogging down and vice versa. Something always ends up suffering but then I make up for it the following week. Hope you have a good one!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Looks like you had a great reading week. My son (13 years-old) watched 13 Reasons Why and he couldn’t stop talking about it. Also told me that some of his friends couldn’t watch it, especially a girl who suffers from depression, was bullied badly in her previous school and who has a problem with cutting. Looks like this movie could be a trigger for some kids.

    It was fun to see that pic of your local library featuring your book!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pussreboots

    I’m also working through a blog redesign. The big changes are in place but now I’m creating better images for all my reviews and I’m cleaning up my code. It’s a amazing how much garbage can collect in old commented out sections. I’m also focusing on reading my own books and have managed to read 57 so far.

    It was a busy week of reading, Girl Scouts, the Mandarin Showcase, and boxing up books. Come see what I’m reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Sarah, and congrats on your progress in reading your own books. I suspect that this will be a constant in my life, as I keep buying more.

      Enjoy the blog changes…I always like the cosmetic ones the best, but it is good to go beneath the surface, too.

      Have a great week!


    1. Thanks, Kathryn, and I was surprised that I could find a table in the coffee shop, as usually there is standing room only. I think that the nice day outside kept more people out of the shop….

      I am loving my books so far. Enjoy your week!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Looks like a great week of reading. And those two you couldn’t resist are two good ones I’ll bet. I’ve seen some good reviews for Any Day Now and SP is always good for thriller suspense.
    Definitely time to get your patio ready. We’ve been sitting on our balcony enjoying coolish mornings.
    Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Martha, and much as I dreaded the task, I did get out on the patio and cleared out the dead leaves and swept it down…and even clipped back some of the tall weeds that seem to think they belong there, like trees. I have more cutting back to do on the borders. Another day!

      I had to come inside and wash off the pollen…and go out for a bit. Enjoy your week!


    1. I am still slogging through 13 Reasons Why, watching an episode at a time. I can’t seem to move beyond that, but now I’m on Episode 5.

      I loved The Housekeeper, and hope to get into The Roanoke Girls today.

      Have a great week, and thanks for visiting, Majanka.


    1. Thanks, Kay, I am loving the books and eager to dive into them. The Housekeeper was one I read yesterday…despite my patio tasks, I rewarded myself by going to B & N for coffee and browsing…and did more reading. No Netflix viewing yesterday.

      Enjoy your week!


    1. Thanks, Kathy, and that pretty cover of The Housekeeper drew me in, too, as I knew that dark things often hide beneath pretty surfaces…LOL. I finished it yesterday.

      Have a great week, and thanks for visiting.


  12. Beth F

    I have a copy of Fallout too — I’m really looking forward to it. Once we finish Feud, we’re going to start 13 Reasons — I loved the audiobook and am interested in how it translated to film.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Candace, and it has been too long since I read a V.I. Warshawski book…love that character.

      I haven’t watched last night’s Feud yet…I’ve seen the earlier episodes.

      I am moving slowly on 13 Reasons Why…one episode at a time, which is not my usual viewing style.

      Enjoy your week!


  13. Kathy Martin

    I hope you had fun at Barnes & Nobles. I’m am staying away from book buying at all locations until I have a place to put them. Having them arrive and go into boxes for moving doesn’t make much sense to me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. At B & N, I didn’t buy anything, but enjoyed reading with a cup of coffee. A nice change from my own couch.

      I don’t envy you all that packing…I remember too well how hard it was to pack all the books, not to mention everything else, too. At my last move (ten years ago, I can’t believe it’s been so long!), I did have movers help with some of the packing, like the dishes. I had been in that house for 13 years, and there was also a guest house to pack. I think I won’t even contemplate moving again…ever. But, of course, things change.

      Have a great week, Kathy.


    1. Thanks, Elizabeth, I was happily ensconced in my coffee and my book at a table, of all things! Sometimes it is standing room only there.

      Have a great week, and I love the cover of Wait for the Rain, too.


    1. Thanks, Nise, I am definitely enjoying Wait for the Rain, and just finished The Housekeeper and The Princess Diarist, which I didn’t put on this week’s list.

      I didn’t end up buying anything besides coffee at B & N, but I know I’ll be going back. Enjoy your week!


  14. I go back and forth either I have a great week reading and my reviews fall off, or I get all my reviews updated and fell off on reading. I can’t find a happy medium. He Said/She Said, by Erin Kelly looks good I hope you enjoy! Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My reading and review writing stay neck and neck, since I write the review as soon as I’m finished…sometimes I work on it a little as I’m reading.

      I am definitely looking forward to He Said/She Said, which I’ve been anticipating for ages, it seems.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kristyn, and enjoy your week.


  15. Could you please send some warm, spring weather to the Pacific NW. We are still drowning in rain. Today, it is 47 degree and pouring rain, it looks like January. So tired of the wet. On a more positive note, I am happy to see you loved the Carol Goodman book, I have that scheduled in the next two weeks.

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  16. Don’t worry about not blogging; sometimes we need to disconnect a bit and smell the roses. How neat to have been featured by your neighborhood library. How brave you were to put yourself out there. I’m glad you liked the County Cork series. I wish on Overdrive I could siphon out which are audiobooks on my wishlist; most of them are cozies that my library has had an influx of.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t get the audiobook love I see around me, but then again, that’s me, I guess. I have to SEE the words to enjoy the book…of see the images in a movie.

      Thanks for stopping by, Stefanie, and have a great week.


      1. I understand. For me, I’m a knitter first so it’s soothing for me to knit and listen to an audiobook at the same time. There are some books I’d rather listen to than read because I feel I don’t have the patience to sit there and read with my eyes.

        Liked by 1 person

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