



Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea; and Teaser Tuesdays hosted by Should Be Reading.

Here we are at Tuesday already, with Christmas just around the corner.  And no, I’m not featuring a Christmas book today, but another ARC:  A Fireproof Home for the Bride, by Amy Scheibe.





Intro:  (Prologue – His Wonders to Perform – October 1952)

A hazy dawn broke over a small lean-to of weathered gray planks and multicolored leafy branches that had been meticulously assembled the day before, the work completed mostly between the morning chores and those dispatched in the afternoon.  Emmy looked up at the speckled yellow covering of boughs that she had carefully chosen from the row of shrubs and smaller trees that edged the barren late-autumn field of sheared cornstalks, their papery remains bent toward the earth, waiting for the punishment of the long Minnesota winter to grind them down into dust.


Teaser:  At the crunch of rustled leaves in the distance, Ambrose moved from his squat into a creeping crawl, picking up his shotgun as he squinted into the piercing daylight.  A slight nod of his head brought her gaze level alongside of his. (p. 3).


Amazon Blurb:  Emmeline Nelson and her sister Birdie grow up in the hard, cold rural Lutheran world of strict parents, strict milking times, and strict morals. Marriage is preordained, the groom practically predestined. Though it’s 1958, southern Minnesota did not see changing roles for women on the horizon. Caught in a time bubble between a world war and the ferment of the 1960’s, Emmy doesn’t see that she has any say in her life, any choices at all. Only when Emmy’s fiancé shows his true colors and forces himself on her does she find the courage to act—falling instead for a forbidden Catholic boy, a boy whose family seems warm and encouraging after the sere Nelson farm life. Not only moving to town and breaking free from her engagement but getting a job on the local newspaper begins to open Emmy’s eyes. She discovers that the KKK is not only active in the Midwest but that her family is involved, and her sense of the firm rules she grew up under—and their effect—changes completely. A FIREPROOF HOME FOR THE BRIDE has the charm of detail that will drop readers into its time and place: the home economics class lecture on cuts of meat, the group date to the diner, the small-town movie theater popcorn for a penny. It also has a love story—the wrong love giving way to the right—and most of all the pull of a great main character whose self-discovery sweeps the plot forward.


What do you think?  Does it pique your curiosity?  Would you keep reading?



  1. Diane@BibliophilebytheSea

    Very descriptive. I’m trying to recall what I’ve read by this author, her name is familiar…..although my daughter had a friend by that name when she young young…LOL Enjoy


    1. Hmm, not a common name…and I thought it sounded familiar, too, but I haven’t read her others…I checked her page, and they are all in German…I think! Thanks for stopping by, Diane…and for hosting.


  2. I had not heard of this one before today. Thanks for sharing and I will put it on my list. It sounds like a great story. In 1958 I was 12, almost on the brink of womanhood. I was oblivious to the outside world.


    1. I was in high school, LOL, and I was probably pretty oblivious to the outside world, too, but the family…now that’s where our thoughts and feelings are centered, even at that age, and I think I can relate to this story. Thanks for stopping by, Judy.


  3. The introduction is almost romantic in the way the author paints the setting, but the blurb has further convinced me that this is an engrossing tale of intrigue, deceit and racial unrest. Sounds good! Have a wonderful week ahead Laurel 🙂


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