
Welcome!  It is Thursday, and even though I have been absent from this event for a while, I am delighted to return with some Bookish and Not So Bookish Thoughts.  Check out the host, Christine.

For Saturday’s Snapshot post, check in with Melinda, at West Metro Mommy Reads.

For most of July, I have been hosting my eldest son and his wife, newly arrived from Berlin.  They stayed all month, and now are up north visiting other family members.  They will return in early September and stay most of the month….and when they fly out, this time they will be headed to Prague, where they met several years ago.

Before they arrived in my Central Valley city, they spent July 4th weekend in LA, and here are some of their photos.  My second son lives in an apartment in Hollywood, called The Broadway.  Great for rooftop shots, like this one of Gabi on the roof:


Gabi - from the rooftop- July


Here is my son Craig on the rooftop…the building sign is reversed.  They spent a lot of time in this rooftop pool.



Craig on The Broadway roof

Here is the sign, lit up:



The Broadway - 1



When they arrived here, in our less than celestial city, we visited the mountains, enjoyed a lake, and ate lots of good food at my daughter’s house.   We had one lunch here, below, in an Old Town hotel.


a little Shaver Lake pub


Craig & Gabi -Old Town Hotel

On our last night together, Craig made spinach enchiladas, and we watched back-to-back movies.

While they were here, my office, temporarily, was this one in the dining room:



temporary office 2

At least I was close to the coffee pot!

Now I am back in my normal office, left, minus the bulky bookcase that once jutted out into the room(right)…it is now in the garage.








Here is the abandoned bookcase, full of books to donate:

bookcase with donated books


July was a relatively non-bookish month.  I only read and reviewed TEN books…a very low number for me.  But I had a lot of fun.

Now I am moving back and forth between books on my Kindle:  first I chose Some Luck, by Jane Smiley, but stalled after just 26 pages!

So now I am reading Lost Lake, by Sarah Addison Allen, a book that has been on my Kindle for quite a while.






So that was my month.  What did your month/week look like?



  1. I enjoyed your photos. Thanks for sharing them! It sounds like a you had a great time visiting with family. My reading has stalled in general. Hopefully it will pick up again as the summer winds down. I enjoyed Lost Lake and hope you do too.


  2. Sounds like a fun month. What a view your son has from his balcony! I haven’t had a particularly bookish month either – I think it’s the summer. Too much outdoor stuff to do. I just picked up a Sarah Addison Allen from the library. I haven’t read her before but I’ve been wanting too. I’m really looking forward to it!


    1. I did actually enjoy being near the coffee pot, Kimba….I could always keep taking the laptop in there just for the heck of it….but then when I start carrying in my notebooks and lists, etc., it becomes cumbersome. Thanks for stopping by.


    1. I know…it was great! As for the bookcase, it is still in the garage…maybe I will find it a new home, but I can’t imagine where…

      When I first got it, it was at the foot of my bed.

      Thanks for visiting, Patty.


  3. So nice to have visiting family. One of these days maybe I will be able to read 10 books a month! I guess I spend way to much time on my computer or in my sewing room. *smile*


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Judy, and it was only when I started blogging that I read a lot of books…and before that, one a week was usually my “normal.” I like the idea of your computer in the sewing room.


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