Welcome to another Bookish Friday, in which I  share excerpts from books…and connect with other bloggers, who do the same.

Let’s begin the celebration by sharing Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader; and let’s showcase The Friday 56 with Freda’s Voice.

To join in, just grab a book and share the opening lines…along with any thoughts you wish to give us; then turn to page 56 and excerpt anything on the page.

Then give us the title of the book, so others can add it to their lists!

What better way to spend a Friday!

Today’s featured book is an ARC from Amazon Vine.  I’ve been reading it regularly today and, while it started a little slow for me, I’m really into it now.  Three-Martini Lunch, by Suzanne Rindell, is an evocative, multilayered story of ambition, success, and secrecy in 1950s New York.




Beginning: (Cliff)

Greenwich Village in ’58 was a madman’s paradise.  In those days, a bunch of us went around together drinking too much coffee and smoking too much cannabis and talking all the time about poetry and Nietzsche and bebop.  I had been running around with the same guys I knew from Columbia—give or take a colored jazz musician here or a benny addict there—and together we would get good and stoned and ride the subway down to Washington Square.


56:  (Eden)

Bobby grinned in an extremely charming, lopsided way.  He was tall and very good-looking, with the kind of relaxed, slouchy posture that suggested he was very reassured about how good-looking he was, too.


Synopsis:  In 1958, Greenwich Village buzzes with beatniks, jazz clubs, and new ideas—the ideal spot for three ambitious young people to meet. Cliff Nelson, the son of a successful book editor, is convinced he’s the next Kerouac, if only his father would notice. Eden Katz dreams of being an editor but is shocked when she encounters roadblocks to that ambition. And Miles Tillman, a talented black writer from Harlem, seeks to learn the truth about his father’s past, finding love in the process. Though different from one another, all three share a common goal: to succeed in the competitive and uncompromising world of book publishing. As they reach for what they want, they come to understand what they must sacrifice, conceal, and betray to achieve their goals, learning they must live with the consequences of their choices. In Three-Martini Lunch, Suzanne Rindell has written both a page-turning morality tale and a captivating look at a stylish, demanding era—and a world steeped in tradition that’s poised for great upheaval.


I am really enjoying the setting and the era of this book.  What do you think?  What are you sharing?



    1. Yes, the setting and the time period captured my interest….and the characters are interesting. Some are unlikeable, of course, but there are some that are very appealing. Thanks for visiting, Anne.


  1. The era and the geometric book cover drew me in. After reading the synopsis I’m going to have to add this to my TBR. Such an interesting concept. I’m glad the characters have reeled you in. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!

    Danica @ A Redheaded Bookworm
    I feature Red Rising in my Friday memes

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    1. I downloaded The Other Typist yesterday because I enjoy the author’s style so much…and I’m glad it isn’t as “hefty” as this one. My copy of this one is paperback, but still heavy to hold at night. Thanks for stopping by, Whitney.


    1. I loved Mad Men! I was binge-watching that last summer. I could watch it again. I thought of them, too, with that title “Three-Martini Lunch.” That is certainly not something you see much of today. Thanks for stopping by, Maria.


      1. We got a rent stabilized apartment ten years ago and now we can “never move” no matter how much our family expands (one of those things that really doesn’t make sense outside of New York City).

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I really like the sound of the synopsis for this but had read (not sure where) that the language was very slang like which put me off a bit…not sure if this is the case with the speech?

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