
Today I’m participating in Sam’s WWW Wednesdays Here’s how it works:


The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next, and/or what are you eagerly awaiting?


Currently Reading:

I See You, by Clare Mackintosh (Amazon Vine Review)




The author of the New York Times bestseller I Let You Go propels readers into a dark and claustrophobic thriller, in which a normal, everyday woman becomes trapped in the confines of her normal, everyday world…

I am enjoying it!  The characters reeled me in, as did the situations, and I loved the alternating narrators.  I find my favorites often use this writing tool.


White Trash, by Nancy Isenberg

(This one sits on my nightstand and I pick it up to read now and then.  It will be a slow read).







On Sunday, I finished reading Scandal in Skibbereen, by Sheila Connolly, Book 2 of the County Cork series. (Click title for my review).




In Book Two of the County Cork series, Scandal in Skibbereen, we connect with Maura Donovan again, as she runs the pub in Leap. The very pub she inherited from an old friend of her grandmother’s. The characters from the first book rejoin us, from Bridget Nolan to Old Willie. Rose, the teenage daughter of Jimmy, still helps out in the pub, and Jimmy has not lost his attitude.


Last night I finished my NetGalley review book, to be released on 1/10/17:  The Sleepwalker, by Chris Bohjalian.  Loved it! (Click title for my review).





From the New York Times bestselling author of The Guest Room comes a spine-tingling novel of lies, loss, and buried desire—the mesmerizing story of a wife and mother who vanishes from her bed late one night.



The Mother’s Promise, by Sally Hepworth, will be released on 2/21/17.  I loved a recent book by this author, The Things We Keep, so I had to add this one to my list.





All their lives, Alice Stanhope and her daughter Zoe have been a family of two, living quietly in northern California. Zoe has always struggled with crippling social anxiety and her mother has been her constant and fierce protector. With no family to speak of, and the identity of Zoe s father shrouded in mystery, their team of two works until it doesn t. Until Alice gets sick and needs to fight for her life.

Desperate to find stability for Zoe, Alice reaches out to two women who are practically strangers, but who are her only hope: Kate, a nurse, and Sonja, a social worker. As the four of them come together, a chain of events is set into motion and all four of them must confront their sharpest fears and secrets secrets about abandonment, abuse, estrangement, and the deepest longing for family. Imbued with heart and humor in even the darkest moments, The Mother s Promise is an unforgettable novel about the unbreakable bonds between mothers and daughters, and the new ways in which families are forged.


So….that’s my week.  What did yours look like?  Check out a Christmas snack I had while reading today.




    1. Like a textbook in a course I might take, the White Trash book will be read a little at a time. I might speed up at some point, depending on how much I’m enjoying it.

      Thanks for stopping by, Debra, and enjoy your books…and the holidays.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Brandie

    I’m glad you’re enjoying I See You. I have been wanting to read it, but other books keeping jumping in line first. Can’t wait to see your final thoughts on it. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads

    You’re the first person who I’ve actually seen reading White Trash! I noticed it on Amazon’s website about a month ago and I’ve been keeping an eye out for it. I might read it eventually, but I’m not really in any rush haha
    Thanks for stopping by my WWW!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your week sounds lovely Laurel, especially with those yummy cookies. I’ve been inundated at work so reading has been curtailed, thank goodness that we have a little bit of a break coming. Glad you have I See You; Claire Mackintosh is a writer that I hope to see a lot more from.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Cleo, and I have had an enjoyable week. No push on the reading front, just slowly reading I See You, which I enjoyed…and which I finished last night. Review is at Curl up and Read.

      Enjoy your week and the holidays!


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