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Good morning!  Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is now hosted at the home site:  Mailbox Monday.

With the holiday, the week seemed to fly by.  Hot weather kept me indoors, doing more rearranging and purging of the shelves.  I emptied another bookshelf in my bedroom.  Here’s what it looks like now, with one shelf where once there were two.  Now there are a total of three shelves in the room; a couple of months ago, there were five.



I also managed to get some reading and blogging done….


Weekend Interiors & Thoughts

Serendipitous Tuesdays:  Intros/Teasers – “Apron Strings”

Tuesday Potpourri:  My Quirky Office, Etc.

I’m Not Blue!  I’m Waiting for “Corrupted”

My Bookish (and Not So Bookish) Thoughts:  Saying Goodbye!

Serendipitous Fridays:  Book Beginnings/Friday 56 – “Crash & Burn”

Review:  The Liar (e-book), by Nora Roberts

Review:  The Lake Season (e-book), by Hannah McKinnon (NetGalley)

Review:  The Hypnotist’s Love Story (e-book), by Liane Moriarty

Review:  Daughters-in-Law, by Joanna Trollope



INCOMING BOOKS: (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

Three review books came in my mailbox!  Two from Amazon Vine, and one from the publicist.

The Rocks, by Peter Nichols (Vine)





“Irresistibly sunny…  Set in the brightly lit Mediterranean amid old olive trees and sexual intrigue, music and wine and beautiful women… Propulsive.” –The New York Times Book Review

“The perfect book for pretending it’s already beach season.” –O, The Oprah Magazine

A romantic page-turner propelled by the sixty-year secret that has shaped two families, four lovers, and one seaside resort community.



Eight Hundred Grapes, by Laura Dave (Vine)





A breakout novel from an author who “positively shines with wisdom and intelligence” (Jonathan Tropper, This Is Where I leave You). “Laura Dave writes with humor and insight about relationships in all their complexity, whether she’s describing siblings or fiancés or a couple long-married. Eight Hundred Grapes is a captivating story about the power of family, the limitations of love, and what becomes of a life’s work” (J. Courtney Sullivan, Maine).



A Week at the Lake, by Wendy Wax (Publicist)





Twenty years ago, Emma Michaels, Mackenzie Hayes, and Serena Stockton bonded over their New York City dreams. Then, each summer, they solidified their friendship by spending one week at the lake together, solving their problems over bottles of wine and gallons of ice cream. They kept the tradition for years, until jealousy, lies, and life’s disappointments made them drift apart.

It’s been five years since Emma has seen her friends, an absence designed to keep them from discovering a long-ago betrayal. Now she’s in desperate need of their support. The time has come to reveal her secrets—and hopefully rekindle their connection.

But when a terrible accident keeps Emma from saying her piece, Serena and Mackenzie begin to learn about the past on their own. Now, to heal their friendship and their broken lives, the three women will have to return to the lake that once united them, and discover which relationships are worth holding on to…



Downloaded (Purchased)


The Seven Sisters (e-book), by Margaret Drabble (Bought for reread)





Candida Wilton–a woman recently betrayed, rejected, divorced, and alienated from her three grown daughters–moves from a beautiful Georgian house in lovely Suffolk to a two-room walk-up flat in a run-down building in central London. Candida is not exactly destitute. So, is the move perversity, she wonders, a survival test, or is she punishing herself? How will she adjust to this shabby, menacing, but curiously appealing city? What can happen, at her age, to change her life? And yet, as she climbs the dingy communal staircase with her suitcases, she feels both nervous and exhilarated.
There is a relationship with a computer to which she now confides her past and her present. And friendships of sorts with other women–widows, divorced, never married, women straddled between generations. And then Candida’s surprise inheritance . . .
A beautifully rendered story, this is Margaret Drabble at her novelistic best.


WHAT’S UP NEXT? (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

Currently Reading:  The Woman Upstairs (e-book), by Claire Messud


book cover



My Sunshine Away (e-book), by M. O. Walsh






Crash & Burn (e-book), by Lisa Gardner






The Rocks, by Peter Nichols (Vine)






That’s what my week looked like…and what’s coming next.  What about yours?




    1. Thanks, Cleopatra…have I gone overboard? LOL

      I still have a lot of books and shelves….three in the bedroom, three in the living room, three in the office….and books are tucked away in strange places, like my country cupboards.

      I should probably stop for a while, though.


  1. This week did seem to fly by, and it got hot here too (tho not as hot as where you are, probably). The air went on tho. 🙂 Nice pics, your office looks very cozy! And I like how you have books in your rooms- my books are all (mostly) in one room, but I like to be surrounded by books.

    The Rocks looks good, I love the sun- drenched setting of that one- I saw that one on another blog last week, so it jumped out at me. And a Week at the Lake sound like a nice summertime read.


    1. Thanks, Greg, I hope to enjoy The Rocks.

      I would love to have one room that contains all of my bookshelves…but none of my rooms fill the bill here…so I surround myself with them in each room.


  2. I like the look of a few of your books this week and I can see a couple we have in common. Well done on the bookshelf clean-up. I used to hate to part with any of my books, but as I’m now receiving more hard copies I really need to do a cull as I can’t fit any more shelves into my small apartment.



  3. Hmm those rooms are getting purged! Lots of books I have read in your posts from last week. Really looking forward to reading the new Wendy Wax book and will enjoy hearing what you have to say about it.


  4. fangswandsfairy(alt)

    I checked out your “Saying Goodbye” post. It is interesting how things can take on significant meaning to us and be hard to let go.


  5. Week at the Lake and Seven Sisters look really good, bingo… on my to-look-for list!
    Lol, you keep purging but then keep adding books Laurel, looks like you are drowning in books! Seriously, you have been reading some really great titles recently and writing up good reviews. If I don’t comment as often, I’m here but incredibly more busy lately than ever, sorry.


    1. My problem now, Yvonne, is knowing when to stop! LOL

      But despite the clearing out, I still have plenty of books around me, to give that bookish ambience…so I guess I haven’t gone too far yet.

      I loved A Week at the Lake…enjoy your week!


    1. Yes, I enjoyed them both…The Seven Sisters was one I read before blogging, so when I saw it on Lakeside Musing, a memory bell dinged and I wanted to relive the experience.

      Thanks for stopping by, Elizabeth, and enjoy your week.


  6. Your new review books looks wonderful – I want to read all three! The Seven Sisters is beautifully quiet and introspective, not at all al book to race through. And I loved The Woman Upstairs! It was a favorite a couple years ago….can’t wait to hear what you think of the main character. Have a good week 🙂


    1. Yes, I liked that about the Drabble novel…and when I checked, I saw that I had read it pre-blogging…and found myself in need of a revisit.

      The Woman Upstairs was one that took some getting used to…but I couldn’t put it down. Thanks for stopping by, JoAnn, and enjoy your week.


  7. The Cue Card

    Wow you picked up some good books this week. I’m curious about My Sunshine Away and The Rocks. Probably the Grape story too. I will check in for your reviews. Have a great week!


  8. Teddyree

    I’m dying to get my hands on a copy of A Week at the Lake but it’s not going well lol … might have to wait til it’s released. I’m so impressed with your decluttering/purging, I think you need to pop over and give me some tips lol. Have a great week and enjoy your fab new reads 🙂


    1. I couldn’t believe that it just appeared in my mailbox! Could wishing have made it happen? LOL Who knows, you could get it any day, Teddyree. Thanks for stopping by….and the decluttering is definitely an ongoing process. Enjoy your week!


  9. Eight Hundred Grapes sounds good. I’ll have to add this one to my wishlist. I’ve been seeing The Rocks around a lot, too. The cover is so pretty, that alone makes me want to read it; but then the blurb also makes it sound good. I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading!


  10. Jo @ Booklover Book Reviews

    What a great selection of titles – my pick would be the Mediterranean setting of The Rocks – enjoy!


    1. Thanks, Sam, and it has been an ongoing process, with a total of four empty shelves in my garage! Two from my bedroom and two from the hallway. Enjoy your week, and I hope you love The Rocks.


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