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Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our new leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.

Notice something unusual?  Yes, I have moved our Sunday/Monday feature to a different venue for a while, to this, my Rainy Days and Mondays site…I do like to shake things up.

We’ve been having quite the rain storm tonight…the sound of it pounding on the roof was a bit frightening.  Loud, with thunder, etc.

So the days of sunshine are over for now.

My reading week was pretty good, with THREE books read and reviewed…and I’m halfway finished with a fourth one.  And…I have now read and reviewed 20 books for my Read the Books You Buy Challenge.

No martinis this week…I had a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, and started on a new medication that has a few annoying side effects…so I’m staying close to home for a bit.

I finished Season 4 of House of Cards at the end of last weekend….now I’m curious about what new shows I should watch.

Grab some coffee, and let’s chat….





Sunday Potpourri: An Unreliable Narrator, Etc.

Rainy Day Reading: Dipping Into Another Thriller

Tuesday Potpourri: Excerpting “Under the Influence”

Hump Day Serendipity Ramblings

Hump Day Potpourri:  Waiting on “Wilde Lake”

My Interior World: Balance – Assessment

Bookish Thursday #4:  A Potpourri of Events

Bookish Friday: “The Girl in the Red Coat”

Friday Blues: Tweaking, Ogling, & Pondering

Review:  Remember Mia (e-book), by Alexandra Burt

Review:  No One Knows (e-book), by J. T. Ellison –(NetGalley – 3/22)

Review:  Under the Influence (e-book), by Joyce Maynard



INCOMING BOOKS:  (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

Empty mailbox!

I did download two purchased books this week, though.

She Can Kill (e-book), by Melinda Leigh





Domestic Secrets (e-book), by Rosalind Noonan





WHAT’S UP NEXT? (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

Currently Reading:  A Long Time Gone (e-book), by Karen White





A Girl’s Guide to Moving On, by Debbie Macomber (Vine)






The Next Time You See Me (e-book), by Holly Goddard Jones






Miller’s Valley (e-book), by Anna Quindlen – (NetGalley – 4/5)





That’s it for this week…and I hope you enjoyed visiting my New Venue for this feature…What did your week look like?  Here is another reading nook…


a slight living room change - march 11



  1. No martinis? How will you survive? I nice blend of books you received. I liked the Girl’s Guide to Moving On, it was a nice read. I read another book by Karen White and I enjoyed her work, I will have to read your review for her latest. Hope you have a wonderful week and that the rain goes away soon for you and me.


  2. Happy weekend! I like your reading nook. Looks like you had a good reading week- No One Knows sounds really good. I hope the storm has settled down- we got a bit of rain this week but no storms yet, I like the sound of rain on the roof as long as it doesn’t get too carried away!

    I am very much looking forward to Clouds in my Coffee. Love that series!

    I love the covers of She Can Kill and Domestic Secrets BTW.


    1. Thanks, Greg, I am enjoying the weekend, with the rain letting up just a bit, long enough to run some errands.

      I was a little surprised at how much I’m loving The Country Club Murders series, but then again, I usually do enjoy a good cozy mystery; I, too, can’t wait to get the next book.

      I hope you enjoy your new week….


    1. Thanks, Katherine, and today felt like a normal one again, so I’m hopeful now. I was able to get out a bit, and the rain had stopped…but I’m sure it will come again tomorrow.

      I love a rainy night if it isn’t the loud, pounding kind of rain…LOL. Enjoy your week, and I hope you love your J. T. Ellison book. No One Knows is the only one I’ve read by the author, but I’ll be reading more.


  3. Oh I did notice you’re back to Rainy Days Laurel – good to keep mixing things up a bit!

    I hope you settle into your new medication quickly and feel 100% again.

    She Can Kill looks interesting… my kind of book so I must check that out!


    1. Thanks, Deborah, and I was just now at your blog…we crossed paths! LOL

      I like changing my blog venue now and then for this event…it helps keep things fresh…

      Today was better, with no side effects of note…Yay!

      I love Melinda Leigh’s mysteries, and can’t wait to read this one. Enjoy your week! Thanks for stopping by.


  4. Good job with your challenge so far! And you had a good reading week too. I didn’t know Rosalind Noonan had a new book out. I like her books so am marking it down. A few of your recent reviews are books I want to borrow or buy at the end of this month so I just skimmed the posts but looks like you enjoyed them. I do want to try Melinda Leigh also.

    Hope you adjust to your new medicine. Sometimes it does take awhile.. enjoy Sunday!


    1. Thanks, Rita, and it’s been a week of changes. Medication, time changes here, sunshine to rain…I guess it keeps us on our toes.

      I first read Melinda Leigh with her debut book, when she sent a review copy to me. She sent subsequent review copies over the years….and then those books stopped coming. I think she didn’t need to do it anymore. But her books are reasonably priced.

      Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your week.


  5. Oh a Karen White – I am sure I will want to read that at some point even though I only read one of hers so far. Also want to try Anna Quindlen too, she might be a bit highbrow for me, so I am a little cautious but must try at least! Hope side effects even out after awhile otherwise no fun.


    1. I first read Karen White when I was new to blogging. It was the Tradd Street series…and I was hooked. But this one I’ve had for a while, and it’s one of her older ones. She has some new ones coming.

      I love Anna Quindlen…and I’m not high brow…LOL. But I guess she writes a more literary novel, which I enjoy now and then.

      I don’t want to speak too soon…but I feel as though the side effects are easing up. Hope I don’t jinx things!

      Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn, and enjoy your week.


    1. Thanks, Laura, and the challenge covers books purchased from June 2015 to the present, so some of the 20 are from 2015.

      This week, I’m reading some from 2014, so they won’t count for the challenge, but it will be good to get them off the stacks. Enjoy your week!


  6. I can drink now that Baby Boone has arrived and I don’t have to worry about hopping into the car to get Kyleigh. I was abstaining since I had no idea when I would need to run out. lol

    Such lovely lovely books there! Enjoy!


  7. Now that your done you can watch Daredevil, if that’s your thing. Season 2 comes out Friday. I plan to watch that and House of Cards on my vacation next week. Enjoy your books this week!


  8. Hi Laurel, I hope the meds situation works out soon. I know your area needs rain but it sounds like you’ve gotten enough for a while. Hope you have a quieter night. The Macomber book is on my wish list. I liked the first book in the series. Have a great week!


    1. Thanks, Mary, my hope is for smooth sailing on the side effects…they seem to be gone, and then one of them will pop up again. Usually within a short time after taking a pill.

      I think we have had enough rain, too! Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your week.


  9. I hope you get used to your new medication soon, those side effects sound annoying. Staying close to home sounds like a good idea. I am not a fan of storms, they scare me a bit. Luckily it’s almost spring here, so less chance there will storms. Enjoy your new books!


    1. Oh, so do I, Lola….I think the effects are easing up, as they seem milder and don’t last as long. Good sign, right?

      I was scared when the rain pounded so loudly on the roof and my skylight in the kitchen. I half expected it to come pouring through.

      Enjoy your week, and thanks for stopping by.


  10. Always fun to shake things up a bit. This site is lovely! Hope you’re feeling better and the medication settles down. Lots of great books here! I still have the Debbie Macomber book in my TBR pile. I started it, but it just did’t grab me yet. I’ll be going back to it when the right mood strikes. For now, it’s YA time travel with Passenger.

    Enjoy your reading and your week!


    1. Thanks, Suzanne, glad you like it here…and I know what you mean about books not grabbing you yet…I go through that, too. Setting them aside for another week. Enjoy your books, and I hope you love The Passenger…I did!


    1. Thanks, Nise, and I LOVED A Long Time Gone…the kind of book I savor, with characters I didn’t want to leave. Enjoy your week…and it’s still raining here!

      I’m feeling better…going out for coffee with a friend this morning, at Barnes & Noble. Great coffee shop there…and books!


  11. Hope the side effects aren’t too bad and that your body gets used to the meds soon!

    I like all the books in your what’s up next section – I think I’m most curious about a Girl’s Guide to Moving On. The cover and title are awesome at least 😉

    Hope you have a wonderful week!


    1. Thanks, Annika…I hope to start reading A Girl’s Guide by the end of the week. I’m not sure what I’ll be reading today, so I’m taking Pippa, my Kindle, to Barnes & Noble for coffee with a friend…and a little reading.

      I think I’m better…don’t want to jinx it, but any side effects seem to be fading.


    1. Thanks, Tracy, I just finished The Next Time You See Me…and loved it! It didn’t have an HEA, but that’s okay.

      Feeling better, going out for coffee this morning despite the rain. Enjoy your week!


  12. Lots of great titles there. I hope to get my reading “mojo” back soon. I am just not having a great success. We really need rain here, it is so dry. I hope for rain and not snow, though. Hope you have a great week. Love seeing your “spaces”.


    1. The rain is a softer sprinkle today so far….I like that better than the storm we had, but I know we get more of the much needed rain when it storms. Thanks for stopping by, Buffy, and enjoy your week.


    1. Thanks, Cleo, and I think the effects are gradually going away. Knock wood!

      Yes, The Next Time You See Me was awesome! A little sad at the end, though, and it did leave a bit to the imagination, IMO.

      I couldn’t stop reading it until I finished. It should have definitely been more of a hit…


  13. Brandie

    I am such a sucker for a great cover and Domestic Secrets draws me in!! I hope it’s good!

    I hope the side affects for the new medicine calms down so you can get back to your yummy martinis! Have a great week!


  14. Kathy

    I love Karen White; she’s an automatic pre-order author for me. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve been a poor groupie for her, having A Long Time Gone on my shelf since its release and still not having it read it, yet. It’s coming up on my next capsule reading cycle. Enjoy your week!


    1. I don’t know why it took me so long to read this Karen White book…I have read some of her newer ones since I got this one (The Sound of Glass). But I loved it, so it is worth it.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kathy, and enjoy.


  15. Oh, I noticed something different! Nice change of location for this post 🙂
    Miller’s valley has such a lovely cover, I had to have a look at it. I’ve never read this author but the book sounds good. Happy reading!


  16. Hi Lorraine,

    There is nothing wrong with the occasional empty mailbox and there is definitely nothing amiss with purchasing a few books of your own choosing every once in a while 🙂

    Melinda Leigh, ‘She Can Kill’, is the book which caught my eye this time and I see that you have heaped nothing but praise onto the prvious books you have read by this author, so that in itself is a great recommendation.

    Thanks for sharing your busy reading and blogging week, your posts always make for such interesting reading 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Yvonne, I am a fan of Melinda Leigh’s suspense thrillers, which I’ve been following since the first in this series, the “She Can” series.

      I try to get books that I want from publishers (NetGalley, Vine), but when I can’t, yes, I tend to buy the e-books.

      Glad you enjoyed your visit here…have a great week!


  17. My mailbox books seem to come in batches. None for two weeks and then two in one day! Great that you are reading the books you buy. I’ve stopped buying any for a while. . . I’m several years behind in my reading! Sad, I know.


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