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Good morning!  Today’s post will link up to Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post,  and Book Journey, for  Weekly Updates.

**Mailbox Monday is now hosted at the home site:  Mailbox Monday.

Grab some coffee (or a pot of tea!), and let’s talk about our weeks.  My reading went pretty well, and I even did a little more organizing and purging.  Check it out!





Pondering and Musing:  Let’s Chase Away the Blues

Finish Line:  A Great Bloggiesta Was Had By All

Tuesday Potpourri:  Intros/Teasers – “Victims”

Blue Mondays Giveaway

My Bookish (and Not So Bookish) Thoughts:  Clearing the Shelves, a Spa Day, Etc.

Friday Sparks:  Book Beginnings/Friday 56 – “House of Wonder”

Some Quirky Potpourri:  Saturday Snapshots

Tidbits About Creativity & Quirkness

Bookish Saturday:  Weekend Thoughts

Review:  Call Me Zelda, by Erika Robuck

Review:  The Murderer’s Daughters (e-book), by Randy Susan Meyers

Review:  Still Life (e-book), by Louise Penny

Review:  Trust No One (e-book), by Jayne Ann Krentz



INCOMING BOOKS:  (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

I received ONE review book in the mailbox….and restrained from downloading any e-books!


The Wednesday Group, by Sylvia True (Amazon Vine)





Gail. Hannah. Bridget. Lizzy. Flavia. Each of them has a shameful secret, and each is about to find out that she is not alone… Gail, a prominent Boston judge, keeps receiving letters from her husband’s latest girlfriend, while her husband, a theology professor, claims he’s nine-months sober from sex with grad students. Hannah, a homemaker, catches her husband having sex with a male prostitute in a public restroom. Bridget, a psychiatric nurse at a state hospital, is sure she has a loving, doting spouse, until she learns that he is addicted to chat rooms and match-making websites. Lizzy, a high school teacher, is married to a porn addict, who is withdrawn and uninterested in sex with her. Flavia was working at the Boston Public library when someone brought her an article that stated her husband had been arrested for groping a teenage girl on the subway. He must face court, and Flavia must decide if she wants to stay with him. Finally, Kathryn, the young psychologist running the group, has as much at stake as all of the others.

As the women share never-before-uttered secrets and bond over painful truths, they work on coming to terms with their husbands’ addictions and developing healthy boundaries for themselves. Meanwhile, their outside lives become more and more intertwined, until, finally, a series of events forces each woman to face her own denial, betrayal and uncertain future head-on.



WHAT’S UP NEXT? (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

Catch Me, by Lisa Gardner






All Day and a Night, by Alafair Burke  (Amazon Vine)







After Birth, by Elisa Albert (Amazon Vine)







The Escape Artist (e-book), by Diane Chamberlain







That was my past week…and the week ahead.  What did yours look like?







  1. The Wednesday Group is on my wishlist, hope you enjoy it. I’ve read many Chamberlain books, but not The Escape Artist, sounds good though. I’ve read all Lisa Gardner’s books..it’s part of a series, but you probably will enjoy it as a stand-alone. Have a great weekend.


    1. I had read more of Chamberlain’s recent books, and then went back to explore the earlier ones.

      I have read most of the books in this Lisa Gardner series, but had somehow missed this one. Thanks for visiting, Rita, and enjoy your weekend, too. Let’s plan to move around and exercise occasionally to keep our backs from seizing up!


  2. You did great with downsizing on review books! I had my Netgalley percentage above 80% and screwed that up by downloading a Read Now that I have wanted, the sequel to Seraphina, Shadow Scales, and a publisher that has been approving zero of my requests for over six months decided to send me TWO eARCs; plus I am reading a book right now for a guest review. AND I was begging and groveling on Edelweiss for Invasion of the Tearling (it is still pending). So I guess I didn’t do so well in the “this year I am going to get all my me reading done”, lol. Have a fun week. 🙂


  3. One book is good, and it sounds interesting. I keep picking up freebies I will never have time to read..lol I am a one-click addict. Hope your week is delightful and it has been so great commenting back and forth this week. You’ve turned me on to some nice finds


  4. OMG! I just went back and read your post about purging…over 1,400 books!?!? Still? Whoa. Maybe you should open your house as a library. 🙂 I think I have less than 500 now, probably even under 300, I’m thinking.


    1. Wow, Bryan, I am impressed…and speaking of opening the house as a library, my son once worked for a man who did that. Sort of. He turned it into a used bookstore and sold things off, little by little. I guess you have to be careful, though, zoning and all…LOL

      Maybe an ongoing garage sale…thanks for stopping by.


  5. joyweesemoll

    Looks like another great week for reading! I’m not sure I could handle The Wednesday Group — too much “my life when I was 28” and I don’t much want to revisit it!


  6. Another busy week for you! And wow, The Wednesday Group looks… good, but not comfortable. I hope you enjoy it, but I think it isn’t for me. And good for you for cutting back downloading books! I’ve been trying to buy fewer, also, and this week I managed not to buy or download any (but I got two review books I’ve really been excited about.)


    1. It is hard, Lark. Sometimes I literally have to sit on my hands to keep them from clicking…LOL. I have been bookmarking favorites…that feels like a solution for now.

      I hope to enjoy The Wednesday Group…but all those characters give me pause.


    1. I am definitely enjoying it, Brandi…I started it earlier, but then got sidetracked when I started my Sunday thing of binge-watching Netflix. I’m now almost finished with Season 6 of Gilmore Girls.


  7. I did a book purge several years ago and regret it so much. I accidentlly got rid of some books from a few different series and then I had to replace them. LOL
    I’m not doing so good on my Netgalley reviews and am still downloading too many free books. But I have a few book challenges that I hope will fix some of that.
    Enjoy your new books!

    My Sunday Post – http://fuonlyknew.com/2015/01/25/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-94-and-the-sunday-post/


    1. Thanks, Laura; part of my purging includes getting rid of the ARCs I receive. I am trying to be careful about hanging on to any books that are part of a series, books that I have purchased, but we shall see how it goes. Enjoy your Netgalley reviews.

      I couldn’t get those e-ARCs to work on my Kindle…I probably would need a more upgraded version for it to work. It’s just as well…I don’t need any more books than I am already getting! LOL


  8. thebookdate

    Just read your review of Trust No one by JAK. I like suspense that is fairly predictable so I will certainly be listening to the audio version this year.


  9. I’m impressed with your restraint this week, but still see quite a few books that interest me. I recently finished Stewart O’Nan’s new book and am considering Call Me Zelda now… seems like the time is right!


  10. I have vowed to stay away from Amazon Vine. I have too many review books from NetGalley and Edelweiss. My TBR mountain is getting dusty! I hope you enjoy the books you chose for this week. Happy reading!


  11. I have quite a list of books to read. I have one from Netgalley and two from it partner and I got a stack of books as it is. I think I will manage specially when I know some are read and ready for posting. I am hoping to get back to reading what I want when I want soon. Though I am doing that. jI hope you are enjoying your week and have not snow around. If you do have fun reading your books.


  12. Teddyree

    Late getting around but thanks for visiting my blog and for the birthday wishes. I quite enjoyed The Escape Artist on audio but not my favourite of Diane Chamberlain’s. Off to check out your review of The Murderer’s Daughter … have a great week and happy reading 🙂


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